In order to keep this a FREE event we rely on the kindness and support of local business and benefactors. please consider helping in our goal of spreading joy through all things Tahoe!
*ALL SPONSORSHIPS (Financial or In-kind) are 100% tax deductible through Joy Foundation’s 501(c)(3) Non-profit status.
Tax ID: 38-4542601
JOY – Main Sponsor | $2,500 Includes all benefits from Glory plus:
Multiple live stage mentions during the event
Premium logo placement on the main stage banner
Prime booth/table promotional space at the event
Exclusive showcase in TCDA Summer Solstice promotions
Mentions in paid/sponsored social media ads
GLORY – Title Sponsor | $1,000 Includes all benefits from Rhapsody plus:
Live stage mentions during the event
Prominent logo placement on main stage banner and event signage
Prime booth/table promotional space at the event
Highlighted in exclusive social media promotions
RHAPSODY – Tribute Sponsor | $500 Includes all benefits from Bliss plus:
Logo featured on the stage banner
Logo on all print and digital event promotions, including posters, email, and website
Inclusion in TCDA Summer Solstice promotions
BLISS – Community Sponsor | $250 Includes all benefits from Glee plus:
Logo placement in event signage
Inclusion in social media promotions
GLEE – Small Business Sponsor | $100
Business or family name recognition on event materials
ENCORE – Media Sponsorship | In-Kind
Marketing & promotional recognition based on the value of your in-kind contributions